Kirsten Harper Hypnotherapy
Freedom. Finally!
I’m so glad you’re here! I work with a blend of Hypnotherapy, Rapid Transformational Therapy & Resource Therapy that is both deeply empowering & highly effective, allowing You to see results within months not decades. I’ve spent years & countless dollars in an attempt to heal my own baggage & early trauma, and it’s my deepest wish to get you off the therapy merry-go-round, and back in the drivers seat of your own life, sooner rather than later. We all deserve a life free of depression, anxiety, addictions, body issues, pain, dysfunctional relationships…. free from struggle.
It is my goal to guide you to a greater understanding of not just “why” you have these struggles, but also to a deeper understanding of yourself. RTT is just one of my tools of choice for extracting those limiting beliefs and creating an empowered vision for Your future.
Consultations are available online via Zoom, or face to face at our East Melbourne clinic.
Emotional Awareness & empowerment is an important step in the therapeutic process
This is a really clever example of how emotions work. I’m sure you recognise when these same parts just aren’t functioning at their most capable. Working with the Resources you already have within you can be an extremely powerful healing tool. Ask me more ....
WHAT IS Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)
Hypnotherapy Services
I invite you to join me for a Discovery Call. This complimentary 20-minute Zoom session is designed to help you decide if this is the best path for you at this time.
Free Discovery Call:
Can Hypnotherapy or RTT help you?
RTT/ Hypnotherapy Package
Following your Discovery Call you may decide to take a deep dive into your healing. This package includes a 2 ½ hour session, a bespoke hypnotherapy recording, 3 weeks of email support, and a 1 hour follow up session
Follow Up Session

About Me
I've been working in the wellness industry for over 25 years, using many modalities such as Remedial Massage, Personal Training, & Coaching to bring a greater quality of life to all my clients. I’m a Certified Hypnotherapist & an Advanced Rapid Transformational Therapist. I'm also a mum, grandma, nurse, educator and an eternal student. I have a passion for working with survivors of childhood trauma specifically, as I've been there too, spending many, many years with various therapists in an attempt to repair my own damaged self. Walking this path was time consuming, frustrating, and often disappointing (which only made me despair more about my life). I've seen and felt the powerful impact that RTT & hypnotherapy can have and it is my deepest desire to help others overcome their early wounding, and indeed thrive -as this truly is your birthright. Whether your issues as an adult are with weight management; confidence and self-worth; sexual issues; chronic pain or illness; fears, phobias or addictions - we all have developed coping mechanisms that although once vital to your survival, they may no longer be serving you well. If you are ready to take a deeper dive into what is holding you back from thriving in your life, I'd be honoured to be your guide.
“In the cave you fear to enter, lies the treasure that you seek”

Get In Touch
Consultations are available in person or online via Zoom/Skype.
P. 0422 584 078