Hypnotherapy For Stress Incontinence??

You know what to do.

You know how often you need to do them.

You’ve had the Gyno consult, seen the Continence Nurse or Physio, even taken Pilates lessons.

So why are you still having this problem?

This is surprisingly common, as only a small amount of continence issues are actually rectified through this process.

Some continence issues do require a surgical repair. Some require education- bladder retraining, or correct exercise technique, but even after this process adherence is often poor. And don’t get me wrong – seeing the Gynaecologist, the Continence Nurse or Physio, and even the Pilates instructor are all important steps in determining & rectifying your specific issue.

All the professional help in the world simply cannot help you if you don’t have a good relationship with your own body. And this is where Hypnotherapy can help you the most.

The emotional baggage that we carry around our own pelvic health is pretty heavy. Most of us weren’t even allowed to use the correct terminology for our own genitals. Shame was common, and all of our “down there” problems were uncomfortable, painful, traumatic, or just plain embarrassing. We couldn’t talk about what we were experiencing, and for those of us that had “pre-internet teen years”, Dolly Doctor was pretty much where we figured out the facts of life. We grew detached, and ashamed & embarrassed about our own pelvic structure & function. The cure was always “out there”, and “someone else” always knew our bodies better than we did.

Exercises were taught as “the way to go” to have a strong, healthy, non-leaky pelvic floor- but the level of adherence is often poor. And it becomes yet another stressor on todays over-stressed women. Something else they fail at, feel bad about, and then throw in the “too-hard basket”. So now it’s too stressful, too confusing, as well as embarrassing, shameful, and we feel even more detached than ever. Mainstream media supports your resignation with an abundance of ads showing you how to keep it invisible with a plethora of pads, powders, and panties – lest you make someone else uncomfortable also!

Building a healthy relationship with your own body happens on multiple levels. Knowing yourself & your body intellectually – being able to use the correct terminology for your own anatomy is a good start. Knowing what each part is for, and capable of helps to create a solid relationship between your mind and body. How easy is it for you to talk about your vulva, urethra, or vagina?

Understanding the emotional aspect and acknowledging the ways in which we allowed ourselves to feel shame, embarrassment, and eventually detachment, also provides further & deeper healing.  

Pretty soon, checking in with your pelvic floor becomes quite effortless. Daily pelvic floor exercises become as automatic and vital as brushing your teeth. Just another self-care ritual. The advantages far outweigh the negatives here too. Having a clear dialogue with yourself can lead to a reduction in leaks, that’s true, but it can also lead to a more satisfying sex-life, better orgasms, and vastly reducing the level of stress in your life (more on these in future blogs).

If you would like to know if RTT & Hypnotherapy can help your specific Pelvic Health Issue, please join me for a Zoom Discovery Call to chat further.

Meirav Dulberg