Hypnotherapy for better sex
Carmel contacted me out of the blue from 12,000 kilometres away. She had heard I could help her with her “sex problem” as she called it. Her story is not that different from many hundreds of women I have spoken to on Pelvic & Sexual Health since 2004.
“I’m totally frigid” she said and began telling me in much detail how horrified she was at what she believed other women were doing. In our brief Discovery Call, Carmel told me that at 44 years of age, she knew things had to change for her because this level of stress was just too much. She had been married to the same man for over 20 years, had two teenage boys at home, and life seriously lacked joy for her.
Most RTT treatments are done over a three-week course. This allows us to get some background, establish a working relationship & build trust. My client’s emotional safety is paramount to the process. Carmel was curious and open to the idea that she could actually have a healthy, adventurous sex life. This was a great starting point.
The RTT session takes up to 3 hours. During this the client is in a light trance, and able to dialogue the entire time. We work together to discover the root cause and reason for their unique issue. For Carmel, she had developed much shame around her sexuality at a young age. This was further exacerbated through her mothers’ prudish view on how “good girls” should behave. She grew up to believe that sex was cold and distant, something that wives had to give their husbands, even when they did not want to, that it was invasive and uncomfortable, shameful and dirty. Her husband had also previously had an affair, and this added to her anxiety immensely.
Reframing, and bringing an age-appropriate understanding to the memories allows them to be questioned, tossed around, and either kept or discarded as the client works their way through the blocks that create distance between them & the life they desire.
We all have scars & baggage & history here. Well-meaning parents don’t always have the most supportive information and that can leave a mark. Perhaps we made decisions & formed beliefs from this that also added to our shame. Maybe our early relationships left a stain we feel may never leave. We need to remember a healthy sex life is a vital part of a balanced happy life.
The 3 weeks that follow the main session vary greatly from person to person. It involves journaling, regular email contact & feedback, listening to a daily hypnotherapy recording, homework, and individual assessment. I truly loved Carmel’s follow up emails – she went from feeling icy and distant to smoking hot in no time! She was able to smash through her limiting beliefs and reclaim her vibrant sexuality so fast it made MY head spin.
Two years on and Carmel’s relationship is stronger than ever. The anxiety she felt over discussing sex with her sons was a thing of the past. She still can’t believe the change in her life, and says she feels happier than she can remember. She is able to discuss sex openly and honestly with her husband, and get what she needs in return.
Hypnotherapy & RTT can help untangle those outdated beliefs; reconcile old wounds and support you in recovering the wild, vibrant, juicy woman you already know you can be. Book a Discovery Call to find out how it can help you reclaim your vibrant, juicy self today!