Have you ever wished you could start over? Do you spend large chunks of your day wishing “…..if only”? There’s so many things you wish you had under control but they just aren’t.
It’s like, you know who you want to be in your best possible self, but it seems like an enormous workload to get there? So it’s easier to just give up. The weight piles on, the outfits get frumpier to hide the weight, the house is a shambles, routines are non-existent, and you’ve had enough!
…. And you’re hoping one of these 😊.
Or a lotto win. I can’t help you with the Genie. What I can do is guide you through a 12 Month Do-Over.
The 12 Month Program - Twelve Acts of Self Love- I have been working on for the last 2 years. It is designed for mature women who are struggling in multiple life areas- whether it’s weight, fitness, nutrition, bad habits/ addictions, image, relationships, career, household management, or finances. What would it feel like for you to go from frumpy to fierce? To feel like you have taken charge of your life? To set an amazing example for other women that we may grow older, but we won’t be withering away crazy-cat-lady-style!
Every month we take a deep dive into a pre-selected issue, and possibly revisit the same issue a couple of times to ensure it gets resolved – and stays that way! I want you to feel unstoppable, to know that you can rock the 2nd half of your life with ease & grace! It’s time to fix that crown and wear it like the Queen you are! I’m not talking about quick fixes here either. I want to guide you through installing the habits & beliefs you need to create a life you love deeply, AND removing the blocks you have to feeling you deserve it!
Book in today for a complimentary Discovery Call to see what possibilities await You!
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